How to Install and Configure Visual Studio for Assembly MASM (Irvine32.lib)

Download the visual studio 2022 from the website (Link):
Download the library for assembly language (Irvine) from GitHub:
Open the Visual Studio and create the new project :

After selecting the Empty Project and clicking next then Select the path and click to create :

Deleting the following file:

Go to project2 (whatever you named your project) and left-click to add the new item(project2 → Add →New item → C++File(.cpp):

Then Change the file extension .cpp to .asm and click to add :

Again click on the project and check the following dependencies:

Now go to the properties and follow the steps:
Before writing a path u must verify the path and check that there is a only single folder of Irvine (Not Irvine →Irvine):
Write the path of the Irvine lib(Properties →linker →general →Addational library directories →apply):

Input → additional dependencies →(Irvine32.lib) →apply:

Edit it to add additional libraries:

Copy all the libraries from the Evaluated value :

and paste it and click ok:

Insert the ; (semicolon) and click to apply:

Now go to the source.asm → properties and select the Microsoft macro assembler:

Microsoft Marco Assembler →inculde paths →C:\Irvine :

Set up by *86:

After configuring it then Run the program :

- Download and install Visual Studio.
- Add Irvine32.lib to the project’s linker input settings.
- Set the MASM assembly file properties to use MASM as the assembler.